Change Your Lead is a group of licensed clinicians and equine professionals who incorporate horses into behavioral health and wellness offerings.
Our sessions are not focused on horseback riding or horsemanship skills. Rather, they are focused on encouraging participants to learn about themselves through their interactions with horses, with a focus on self-awareness, relationship, regulation and attunement.
Horses, through their herd relationships (which may sometimes remind us of or mimic our human relationships), their mastery of living in the moment and neutral approach, provide us wonderful opportunities for connection, self-reflection, healing and growth.
We are honored to celebrate another year of helping people through horses. We are so grateful to Millie and Joyce, their amazing horses and to the AVR community for the support of our mission.
Team pictures and highlights
The team attending a continuing education training through Arenas for Change (ARCH)

Julia Caruana Kope, one of our long-time equine professionals graduates with a Masters of Social Work!

Ray bobs for apples during Halloween sessions